Health tips for Oil workers in Alberta to prevent addiction

Living a happy and healthy life is one of the profound ways to keep addiction at bay. Sadly, some oil workers in Alberta are unaware of this truth, as they continue to explore different unhealthy ways to help them cope with the demands of the oil industry.

If an oil worker pays good attention to their health, they will be able to prevent addiction cravings and remain more productive at work.

Here are some essential health tips that Oil Workers in Alberta can apply

Get enough sleep

One of the activities that oil workers should prioritize is getting enough sleep. It is important to mention that sleep is vital to every process in our body.

Sleep affects our mental and physical functioning, it improves our ability to fight off infections or diseases. It also helps our brain and body to function properly so that we can make the right decisions.

Eat a nutritious diet

Oil workers need to prioritize taking a healthy diet. You can start by eating a combination of meals belonging to different classes of food. It is also essential to include fruits and vegetables in your meal.

Because oil workers may barely have time to prepare their meals, they need to leverage any free time they have to eat a healthy meal. Eating a nutritious diet helps to reduce the chances of developing some chronic illnesses.

Avoid alcohol and drugs

Many oil workers take substances like alcohol and drugs to help them cope with the stress of work. These substances have some positive effects, but the negative consequences far outweigh them.

Taking alcohol and drugs can cause serious problems in the body. Therefore, it is best to avoid them completely.

Go for regular checkups

The essence of constant checkups is to ensure that your body is in great shape. Some of the tests that you will undergo during a checkup are blood pressure test, blood sugar test, etc.

What are the signs that an Oil worker in Alberta is struggling with addiction

The oil industry can be very rewarding when it comes to financial remunerations and other forms of benefits and compensation.

However, for workers who are struggling with addiction, it can be very challenging for them. The oil industry in Alberta is not for the faint-hearted, as workers are expected to meet up with the increasing demand.

Hence, many workers find it difficult to properly manage their stress, so they rely on substances like alcohol and drugs to keep them going. In this piece, you will learn the common signs of an addicted oil worker in Alberta.


Usually, when people become addicted, they prefer their private space instead of being around people. This is partly because they want to avoid the stigmatization that comes with addiction. So, they will prefer to do their thing in private without attracting the public.

Physical signs

You may be able to notice some physical signs in an addicted oil worker. They can have slurred speech, weight loss or weight gain, poor personal hygiene and body odor, etc.

Mental illness symptoms

Most times, the addicts can show some mental illness signs like hallucination, lack of proper coordination, impaired judgment, anxiety, depression, etc.

When these signs occur frequently, it means that the oil worker is undergoing a serious struggle with addiction, and it may not be long before they stop working permanently.

When an oil worker notices that they are addicted, they can seek help from a professional to get their lives back on the sobriety path. It is quite difficult to decide to overcome addiction on your own without any external help.

Hence, when they start with counseling in addiction treatment, they will be able to uncover the root cause of their addiction.

They will also need to be properly evaluated by the therapist so that a proper treatment plan can be created for them.